Take a load off from exploring the streets of Downtown Wilmington and settle in with a nice cigar at The Cigar Exchange. Known as the ultimate place to purchase and enjoy cigars in the heart of Wilmington, this friendly spot features a big selection of tobacco products, as well as a variety of wine to enjoy a glass and a smoke before moving on to your next Port City adventure.
The Cigar Exchange has a friendly and professional staff who are happy to make suggestions or just chat as patrons settle in and enjoy a long smoke in the inviting and yet historic atmosphere. There’s both indoor and outdoor seating available, as well as an array of wines by the glass for visitors who want to settle in and stay a while. With a location that’s on the corner of Market Street, it’s also a convenient destination for anyone staying in the downtown area to pop in and sample something new. Boasting a walk-in humidor, as well as a host of other products that range from bottled water and sodas to T-Shirts, veritably everyone will find something to appreciate in this haven for cigar lovers that features a perfectly prime downtown locale.
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